Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mike Hale & Co. Has a New Path to Travel!

Paintbrushes down! It's time for something a little different... Mike Hale and I love to go junk hunting, and over the years we've accumulated quite the collection. Our finds range from tiny 1" trinkets to BIG 10' columns. Due to lack of space we've actually had to cut back a bit, but now that this project is complete we may have an empty spot to fill!

Right Front

I have no idea how MH does it, but with vision, talent and a little creative ingenuity he is able to build just about anything. After a few quick sketches he's off and running, and sawing, and nailing, and drilling, and...

We picked up the old porch roof and ironwork years ago at local "junk" shops. The finial was a window shopping find that MH added copper to, and the smaller embellishments came from various "give-away" boxes. You know what they say....one man's trash is another man's treasure!!!

No more going through the front door for me...I prefer taking this path home!
~ & Co.


The Old Parsonage said...

I am just blown away. MH is so multi-talented. This looks like an entrance to a secret garden.

The detail is amazing, it's hard to imagine this as different pieces from different buildings.

Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

This is truly an amazing installation.

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